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Piano accompaniment backing tracks

Shostakovich: Viola Sonata

Price:  £9.50 / ($11.97 / €11.50 )

Shostakovich: Viola Sonata
Includes accompaniments for:

1. Moderato
2. Allegretto
3. Adagio

The Viola Sonata Op.147 was the last piece Dmitri Shostakovich composed in 1975, the same year he died. The first movement begins with the viola playing a pizzicato solo passage before the piano joins in with a sparse accompaniment, creating a gloomy mood which permeates the whole movement. The second movement is a sardonic scherzo while the third movement contains notable quotes from other composers' works, including Beethoven's 'Moonlight' Sonata and Richard Strauss' Don Quixote.

These piano accompaniment tracks help make practising more effective and enjoyable! They are recorded by a professional accompanist and can help you keep in tune and in time, as you listen to the piano part for this work.

Please scroll down for samples and details of each movement.

Other works for Shostakovich
Other viola sonatas

1. Moderato

Price:  £4.50 / ($5.67 / €5.45 )

Includes accompaniments for:
✓ Performance version

Audio sample:

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4 crotchet click-beats indicate pulse before viola enters

Bars 1-4 accompanied by minim click-beats while piano is silent

Bars 215-242: CUT in piano part - after bar 214, there are 8 seconds of silence in piano part, followed by 4 crotchet click-beats that lead into bar 242

2. Allegretto

Price:  £4.50 / ($5.67 / €5.45 )

Includes accompaniments for:
✓ Performance version

Audio sample:

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Bars 112-116: click-beats used to signify pulse

Bars 192-201: click-beats indicate help to signify pulse through this passage where piano is silent

3. Adagio

Price:  £4.50 / ($5.67 / €5.45 )

Includes accompaniments for:
✓ Performance version

Audio sample:

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Note : Accompaniment begins in bar 13 - 2 minim click-beats set the pulse of bar 13, then viola chords played after 3rd and 4th click-beats respectively

Bars 28-30: minim click-beats indicate pulse

Bars 38-41:crotchet click-beats signify pulse through these 4 bars

Bars 44 and 45: minim click-beats indicate pulse

Bars 63-65: crotchet click-beats indicate pulse through these three bars

Bars 93-114: CUT - at bar 93 there is an 8 second silence in the piano part, then click-beats set pulse for bar 115, viola enters in bar 115 after 5th click-beat

Between bars 139 and 183, further crotchet click-beats are used to keep pulse whenever piano is silent or has long chords