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Piano accompaniment backing tracks

Sibelius: Violin Concerto

Price:  £10.00 / ($13.00 / €11.90 )
  Special Discount: Spend £20 or more and get 20% off

Sibelius: Violin Concerto
Includes accompaniments for:

1. Allegro moderato
2. Adagio di molto
3. Allegro ma non tanto

Jean Sibelius' Violin Concerto in D minor was composed in 1904 and revised the following year, and it is regarded by many as the greatest violin concerto of the 20th century. The first movement begins with soft pulsating strings, but builds to become one of the composer's most intense and expansive movements. The second movement has been described as 'mercilessly beautiful' by Sibelius' compatriat, the poet Lassi Nummi, which well describes its esctatic melodic outpouring. The musicologist Donald Tovey famously described the final movement as a "polonaise for polar bears", and it builds a relentless motion towards its conclusion.

These piano accompaniment tracks help make practising more effective and enjoyable! They are recorded by a professional accompanist and can help you keep in tune and in time, as you listen to the piano part for this work.

Please scroll down for samples and details of each movement.

Other works by Sibelius
Other violin concertos

1. Allegro moderato

Price:  £5.00 / ($6.50 / €5.95 )
Special Discount: Spend £20 or more and get 20% off

Piano accompaniment track for the 1st movement of Sibelius' Violin Concerto.

Price includes:
✓ Performance version

Audio sample:

Please click here to see if this track contains clicks/cuts/repeats

Violin enters after 3 and a half bars, (28 quavers)

Cadenza (Largamente - bar 59): crotchet click-beats accompany first 4 bars of cadenza before minim click-beats take over
Just before return to bar 60, minim click-beats become crotchet click-beats to signify new pulse

Bar 211 (start of violin cadenza): piano is silent for 5 seconds before skipping to bar 224 (after cadenza)

Orchestral tuttis played in full

Click-beats used elsewhere to keep pulse

2. Adagio di molto

Price:  £4.50 / ($5.85 / €5.36 )
Special Discount: Spend £20 or more and get 20% off

Piano accompaniment track for the 2nd movement of Sibelius' Violin Concerto.

Price includes:
✓ Performance version

Audio sample:

3. Allegro ma non tanto

Price:  £4.50 / ($5.85 / €5.36 )
Special Discount: Spend £20 or more and get 20% off

Piano accompaniment track for the 3rd movement of Sibelius' Violin Concerto.

Price includes:
✓ Performance version

Audio sample: